Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nebosh International Diploma


From 67 to 7 today things have happened that are perhaps more 'notes, are more' in front of everybody's eyes, but I want to emphasize that only those who know all the part we have shown until now understand how the events after the birth del'OLP, the terrorist Palestinian groups, the rise of Hamas, on the other is created, Created ..? .. Assisted in the creation and funded by Israel in function, anti-Arafat. Why ' what Israel and the Americans feared more 'Secularism and Socialism was the Palestinian component of the time. But anyway! So, what 's happened to us today and' more 'before my eyes, but in any case it should be noted that if you do not know the part we have just described is not clear because it' was born because a PLO 'Arafat was born a! 'cause they are carefully done,' cause there are violent and the Palestinians 'cause it comes to suicide bombings and because' it comes to Hamas. And if you do not really seem all that tells us that Barbaro was an Arab people who at one point and 'mad and started to make slaughter of Westerners and Israelis at will. If it tells the whole previous part we understand that Palestinian violence, however objectionable. terrorist and certainly as' a terrorist, and I quote. Edward Herman and 'terrorism in dribs and drabs that reacts to 60 now have become more' than 100 years of violence, injustices, horrors Neonazis as they say the same! Some of them Jewish! A neo-Nazi horrors against the Palestinians. A reaction is not 'an action. It 'important to understand this passage that our experts do not cite television, of course, never. Act and react and not violence? It 'a very different thing from saying but they look,' cause if they said that Hamas as a terrorist and violent reaction! Should tell the public, but react to that? And then they should tell the public everything that we said tonight. But that does not want to say, absolutely not! And even the most 'modern, as when Israeli UN Ambassador Abba Eban was so disgusted by Israeli policies in the occupied territories, who told Menachem Begin: We piping each type of horror, devastation and death on the Palestinians in ways that I I remember a regime in which the Prime Minister will you dare to call by name and referred to the Nazis. I mean 'should tell these things! It clearly does not want to tell. After, and 'you know what all happened, happened after son, .. the horrors that we know, Moderini! in Palestine, the use of human shields, destruction of villages injustice, torture, abductions things more .. '.., All what we know from the chronicles 'but that's' modern record, know it, for better or worse, we see pictures, we see the dead. Understand?. It 's all else, understand what' s happened before. And all else finally understand that if we want to end the Israeli-Palestinian tragedy, but also for the sake of the Jewish people who are regularly fooled by these murderers Neonazis that political leaders are Zionists. If we want peace in those lands, it should be told the truth '. It' s only through these truths 'that you can' get to peace. I must. Israel apologizes for what he did. Certainly today we can not 'remove the state of Israel, but that does not think anyone, not even the Arabs think. And also that' another lie and not 'true that they want to throw Israel into the sea, Ismail Haniyeh, and that' elected Prime Minister of Hamas in the territories, Gaza is now, Prime Minister of the Palestinians, however, because it 's been elected Prime Minister of the Palestinian Hamas wrote in the Washington Post in July 2006: We are in favor of a land in peace for all the Semitic peoples of the Middle East. The Semitic peoples of the Middle East means the Palestinians and the Jews. He said the Washington Post. He has not told anyone, he has not taken anyone. Those were the days when Israel attacked Lebanon where he killed 1000 innocent people. Now we need to tell the truth 'Israel must apologize and return to reason that for the good of his people, It must allow the Palestinians to statehood, but without this narrative above, you can not 'mobilize public opinion, people will tell you' but as always? want to even give a State of terrorists? The Arabs, bad, fanatics, Hamas with Al Qaeda that has absolutely nothing.
I think there is enough to stop here .. The call I do that I want to conclude this presentation is' that anyone who cares about .. the Palestinian cause must get in mind that if the public does not tell the story I told you tonight there's no 'hope of changing the destiny of the Palestinians. It is useless to do demonstrations in the streets .. the events in the square There's no use, and 'useless to protest and useless to go on television and show the dead children, is of no use because 'the refrain' You always that! But, okay, and 'the terrible deaths are children, Ma! and 'Hamas that causes E', and that Hamas' terrorist etc.. Understand? until there will be 'this thing, we will never help the Palestinians. So anyone cares about. Palestinian cause justice in the Middle East and even justice for the people of Israel must go out and disclose these things.


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