The two steps: 2007 pdl born from a mercedes. 2009 Blood on the audio and climate of terror
Berlusconi attacked: it starts with being exploited
Seeing TaxiDriver seems a scene of the film with De Niro: a psychopath who assails the politician in a demonstration, blatantly.
But now reconstruct the events of the two "steps" (for those who do not know what the running board: http://www.dizi.it/predellino )
the story in December 2007 from the running board of a Mercedes Piazza San Babila in Milan Berlusconi announced the creation of a new party of which still was not sure even the name: Berlusconi "will be called" the party of the people of freedom "or" the people of freedom "." All this took place while a breathless crowd shouted: SILVIO! This
the reaction of the "companion" Gianfranco Fini of the time: "we are at the final comic" ( watch the video titled: the 2 steps). Despite the barbs, which continues to run ( watch the video: the hypocrisy of purpose and aggression exploited ), Gianfranco Fini is still there.
Monday, December 13, 2009 meeting with "his people" (defined by the press "Tread plate bis") in Piazza Duomo silvio gets hit by a souvenir thrown by a person with mental problems (which he later confessed that he was incited the screams of the protesters), whose family has voted Democratic Party even though it is not particularly active politically. Even today, salt on the step but this time Silvio is bloody, the scene (Eggi?) This time is from Greek tragedy.
The center of the political world comes to a tense climate for the poor fomented by the prime minister left, from the web, and the usual Annozero "communists". Bonaiuti even reports that Berlusconi had expected a violent action and defines "prophet." In short it is the fault of the so-called opposition if they take psychopaths with PREMIER. Bossi speaks of terrorism ...
here are some videos that sum up the exploitation of the center of the story
WITNESS ATTACKS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3OLCMZ9Ylw&feature=popular
SGARBI ATTACKS RICH DiPietro GRILLOweb: we talk about hate online at 5 am:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bD6VmyDg6s the 5 minute and 12 seconds starting with the exploitation ...
Il Giornale "and company" explain that the attacker is a lunatic, but "the moral principals" are others.
CONCLUSION The blame for this incident is attributed to a climate of tension (a term that refers to the years of lead) created by all those political actors, not that go against the "liberal" Mr.B. The exponents of the center mix facebook pages praising the aggressor Tartaglia, with no democratic demonstrations like the b day.
protesters, journalists, bloggers, politicians, Facebook, Climate by "years of lead" to a whole 'apples and oranges! All
to condemn the cowardly aggressor and to express solidarity with the Premier, and the attention of the mass is moved. Interior Minister Maroni spoke of "further steps" to the climate of "tension." We will see in these days what will these "measures" in the European Banana repubblic.
controversial aspects and final point
The web, of course, is much more pluralistic than the TV: on the Internet (as opposed to news) there are questions about a possible CONSTRUCTION of the story. Created for art or not, the story is heavily exploited and all in favor of Silvio. Always online, the police reporter Marco Travaglio in today's episode of Mouth clearly rejects the hypothesis of the frame and focuses on the media attacks and the exploitation of the story ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQxiQMw9mqY ).
There is also talk of some strange things about Facebook groups and not related to aggression.
To better analyze these issues in dispute and not only some articles from the web:
come back to this story ... stay tuned
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