Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Constantly Have Stomach Cramps

Alessio Marchetti won the "SPORT AND 'HEALTH, SPORT AND' LIFE '

Congratulations to Alessia Marchetto, who won a special mention in the contest "The sport is health, sport is life," organized by the foundation Rachelina Ambrosoli of Venticano, nell'Avellinese, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. Proposed on the subject of the pupil of the III B "Pantani", and promising young rhythmic gymnastics, wrote a theme and make a DVD with pictures of their sports performances: his efforts have earned it in high school Sports the medal awarded by the President of the Chamber of Deputies.
The awards ceremony will be held at a "meeting" scheduled for 2, 3, 4 and December 6 in the municipalities of Pietradefusi and Venticano: four days during which the winning students from across Italy will exchange views on issues as the environment, legaltà, solidarity and Sport, with the participation of authoritative witnesses of our time.
Laws and, if you will, says the theme of Alessia:


My relationship with the sport began when I went to kindergarten, first with swimming and then
with rhythmic gymnastics, a discipline very hard and tiring.
The athlete in his performances must follow and respect the pace and be expressive.
An exercise to be balanced must have continuity of action and speed variation.
To practice gymnastics skills are essential good coordination, concentration and flexibility to perform split and bridges, and good muscle power to perform the jumps, these features are maintained and improved with endurance training.
The exercise consists of a series of choreographed movements and difficulties, built on a musical accompaniment without words, and do not last more than a minute and a half when performed individually and two minutes and thirty if you run a team. In addition, the exercise is performed on a platform surrounded by a red carpet, from which we must not get out, measure forty feet on each side.
The rhythm is often confused with the artistic disciplines but are completely different.
Nell'artistica using the parallel bars, horse, rings and running exercises and vaulting to the body
free. Gymnasts are famous Yuri Chechi, Igor Cassina and Vanessa Ferrari. In
rhythmic sport that I practice, the exercise can be done with one of the five tools (circle, ball, rope, ribbon, clubs) or free-style, but until a certain age. My favorite is
gymnast Anna Bessonova, Ukraine, but only those who practice or follows the sport knows it because the rhythm is not televised and few people know that the Italian National
(butterflies) are the world champions.
Despite this I have a good relationship with the sport that I practice. I train five hours a day throughout the week and on Sunday competed on platforms high level, international and European, but I do not mind: the sacrifices and the sacrifices they are accustomed.
I belong to the individual national, have been convened for the first time in 2006
after being spotted at the National Championship where I was ranked third.
Since then participate in the training college. At my first training session I met a lot of gymnasts also older than me but I also met Camilla, very special person with whom I have a good relationship and we love despite my direct competitor.
with her and two other girls, Federica and Andreea, after many tests, I shared participation
the 24th European Rhythmic Gymnastics held in Turin in June 2008. Andreea
for a last-minute bureaucratic technicality, could not attend: I have competed well with the exercise of war (which she had to do) and the pursuit of the ball, Camilla has made the circle and Federica tape. Despite the hitch, we ranked seventh.
E 'was an indescribable experience, exciting, unique I will never forget, a good start for
aspire to the Olympics.
My discipline is not as expensive as horse riding or golf: it is called the "sport of the poor" and it does not have many sponsors like football because we are more important than the fun and excitement of gambling and money who receive the players. Sport is
a good lesson in life, I have always had rules to follow and to comply with and defeats, though daunting, help to grow and become stronger and determined and taught to overcome difficult obstacles. I was taught to have respect for opponents, be agonist / rival in the race, but to maintain good relations after the competition.
My main problem is to combine sport with the school: many times I sleep just to get good grades, but thanks to my patience and my hard work, I have a good average though sometimes I fall asleep on the books.
Sport is perspiration is a constant effort to maintain and put me higher and higher goals that give me the will to go on and if you do sport at a competitive level, not in mind and do not have time to take a bad way with bad habits, drugs or alcohol ruin with as many kids today, because we focus on discipline. Fortunately, today
young children have an initial impact with the sport and there are many elderly
that remain in form and moving, while young people who do not practice it may often reach the obesity, because they are hours and hours watching television or play station eating continuously.
In conclusion, the sport is a good habit for me: once you start as you will never stop because it gives you excitement and satisfaction that nothing else will give you and I'll remember for a lifetime.
Unfortunately this year I had to give up the most important race, the Italian Absolute, but Camilla was able to console me: she told me that without me the race was not the same thing as last time.
I injured the fibula, have suffered and am still suffering, but the injury can happen to an athlete and this certainly will not stop my strong determination and soon I will be ready to compete stronger than ever.

Alessia Marchetto


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