These days many are coming interviews, will result only the most interesting.

"heretic Dream" is the title of the new album coming out Caparezza March 1. The singer plays with heresy on the album cover, which refers to the Executioner who burned witches in the Middle Ages ("for the people was a party because it took place in a collegiate environment"). And then on his presence at Concertone of Rome: "We'll see who will have more viewers Capa or the Pope (the day of the beatification of John Paul II, ed) "tells Tgcom .
Why are you obsessed with Executioner, also on the album cover?
I adopted the concept of heresy because it reveals a thirst for justice that took place in public in the Middle Ages and pizza in a day of celebration. For many a fun time was a bit 'like going to the movies today. The Executioner is depicted on the cover with the red cap and black to reattach the image of the flames of the fire. And then the Executioner in all of us ...
In what sense?
There's a crazy justicialism around. Take the case of murder, two seconds after you see on facebbok status inciting the murderer's death, some want cavargli eyes, nails and snatch those who want to see him die in agony. But sooner or later all this will end. There will be the end of everything.
In "Things I do not understand" songs that you make too many problems, why?
questions I do since I was a child, my friends and relatives flooded with my why. And they did that? Scolded me saying "you're too curious Mich., curiosity is a woman." This phrase was an obsession for years. But I was the same person and my time because they have an answer yet.
"I propose a deal to begin with the texts mentioned by Faber and finish on the island for a month to have hunger" is a verse of "Who cares about the music." Prophetic?
Sometimes I'm scared of myself. I did not know that the grandson of De André would go to the Island of the Famous, I swear! But it is not the first time that happens to me. In another song I associate Nessun dorma to Giordano Bruno and the other day I heard a band that appeared with the words No one sleeps on the bust of the philosopher in Rome.
Because for you, "Kevin Spacey" - which is also the title of one of the songs - is the epitome of evil?
In all his films from "The Usual Suspects" to "American Beauty" has always been bad or otherwise ambiguous roles. He worries me a lot and so I like a lot.
There is also room for an angry God in "Starting up ...
But I wonder how can one resist when they host guests who always cry and complain? Associate religiosity as the mourning and grief is not a good thing and I know well because I come from an ultra-Catholic country (Molfetta, ed.) Well I guess in the end this God who breaks all the balls Asked not to complain more and enjoy the beautiful things of nature. So drop everything and run on the fly, wild with the wind in your hair.
'll go to the May Day concert?
now are regulars now, though I should be there. It will be special because it is a coincidence the same day of the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Who will have more viewers Capa or Pope? In any case, I invite all the faithful to the after show of the beatification in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome, where we'll be there with Concertone.
What surprises will be in the tour?
Obviously it will all be in line with the album cover, too bad but we will not have much budget to amaze with special effects. Will be titled Heretical Tour - departs from Andria March 16 - that has nothing to do with the Tour of Erotica Madonna.
Ps: I take this opportunity to say that over the first May be present for an interview on Sky One (Channel 109) Tuesday, 03/01 23:10 and repeated on Sky One +1 (channel 110) Wednesday, 03.02 00:10 Programme: one in Music.
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